Yaduvanshi Shiksha Niketan is a hi-tech, futuristic school where knowledge reigns supreme. Our school aims at grooming each child academically socially and spiritually so that he/she becomes very confident and well balanced citizen of the world. We believe that excellence alone is the hallmark of competence and achievement. We can proudly say that we are the pioneers in digital-learning and we always upgrade technology so that can provide a cutting edge technology platform for our students. Yaduvanshi School has always believed that education can bring about a positive change in the society. Gandhiji has rightly said that literary education is of no value, if it is not able to build up a sound character. Education should make the child accommodate himself in the new socio-economic order of the information era even at the cost of sacrificing his/her interest for the welfare of the nation and mankind. We must remember that intelligence is not enough; intelligence with character is the ultimate goal of true education.